
The art of doing nothing

THE ART OF DOING NOTHING: Embrace the benefits of solitude. I never quite understood the art of doing nothing.  Or the importance of solitude.  Until I became a parent. Pre parenthood there were always pockets of time during the day when I could be alone with my self, either to meditate, do my yoga practice, …

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Get Cool with Ayurveda and Yoga

Summer is finally here!! Well, at least for the Northern Hemisphere. Here, in the Tropics of Cancer, the winter season began with thunderstorms, rains and extraordinary lush jungles blossoming. Summer time means hot sunny days, more socializing (hopefully some dancing), day trips to the beach or mountain hikes, and of course juicy watermelons! According to …

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Queen, Go With The Flow

Being a woman is a spiritual experience.  It is a journey full of opportunities to practice compassion, unconditional love and authenticity.  In this modern day and age one of the most important parts for us women is to find the connection between the core of female bodies and our energy flows.  As women we are …

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How to rest efficiently

Sometime in 2015 I was driving my scooter to a yoga studio in Bali, where I was teaching at the time, and I had this epiphany. The thought that erupted in my mind and was ‘what if I just keep driving? What If I just keep following the road and never come back?’ My dream …

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Private Paradise Retreats Costa Rica

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All the levels and ages are welcomed here, but we like to have a better understanding of the participants level to create the best experience for all.

Ashtanga Tropicana Costa Rica

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Ashtanga & Pranayama Retreat Brac Island

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All the levels and ages are welcomed here, but we like to have a better understanding of the participants level to create the best experience for all.

Summer Retreat 2024

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All the levels and ages are welcomed here, but we like to have a better understanding of the participants level to create the best experience for all.

Tailored Retreat Costa Rica

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All the levels and ages are welcomed here, but we like to have a better understanding of the participants level to create the best experience for all.

Pakleni Island

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All the levels and ages are welcomed here, but we like to have a better understanding of the participants level to create the best experience for all.