
Irena and a baby

Yoga, diapers and big breaths

Ashtanga yoga is a demanding discipline, both mentally and physically, for everyone who is practicing, men and woman. Ashtanga requires a lot of self discipline, dedication, and trust in the process. When it comes time for us to add a family to that equation, things can get even more challenging. For most dedicated Ashtangis, our …

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On Lakshmi and abundance

Probably you know her image. If you have visited India, or Indian stores, or a yoga studio, there is a great chance that her picture, or statue, was located just next to the cashier desk.  If you visited my old Body Element Yoga studio in Zagreb, she was the centre piece at the Shala. That …

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What we can learn from Super Woman

During the last couple of months Dr. Evelyne Meier and I have been talking a lot about how our emotions towards the money are strongly influenced by our cultural differences, parents, stories and believes. They shape our attitudes of self, life and money.    Dr. Evelyne Meier a business relationship developer and mentor of women …

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Money and Emotions

No one is entirely rational when it comes to money. Often creating and following a budget, or saving part of every pay-check, seems like an uncomfortable and complicated task. Though we all believe that intelligent rationing would be in our best interest. Our relationship with money is a very complex data system that is largely …

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Tips on a home yoga practice

In the Ashtanga yoga tradition there are two different methods for how the Ashtanga practice is taught: Led (guided) classes, and Mysore (self practice) classes. Now, with this current pandemic outbreak, many Yoga studios around the world are closed, and communities and classes have pivoted online, which is great and certainly important in this time …

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Private Paradise Retreats Costa Rica

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All the levels and ages are welcomed here, but we like to have a better understanding of the participants level to create the best experience for all.

Ashtanga Tropicana Costa Rica

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Ashtanga & Pranayama Retreat Brac Island

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All the levels and ages are welcomed here, but we like to have a better understanding of the participants level to create the best experience for all.

Summer Retreat 2024

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All the levels and ages are welcomed here, but we like to have a better understanding of the participants level to create the best experience for all.

Tailored Retreat Costa Rica

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All the levels and ages are welcomed here, but we like to have a better understanding of the participants level to create the best experience for all.

Pakleni Island

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All the levels and ages are welcomed here, but we like to have a better understanding of the participants level to create the best experience for all.